WhoisXML API Data Is Now Available on Cyberscape | WhoisXML API

WhoisXML API Data Is Now Available on Core4ce’s Cyberscape

WhoisXML API Data Is Now Available on Core4ce’s Cyberscape

WhoisXML API is proud to announce a new integration with Core4ce, a data-minded company that serves as a trusted partner to the U.S. national security community.

This new partnership brings WhoisXML API’s comprehensive domain, DNS, IP, and Internet intelligence repositories to Core4ce’s Cyberscape, a cloud-based platform that enables security analysts to visualize threats, collaborate across teams, document intelligence for key stakeholders, and share reports with industry partners and government agencies in one workspace.

“Core4ce’s goal to streamline cyber threat investigation through rapid data integration supports our vision of a safer Internet, where relevant, high-quality intelligence is readily accessible to those on the front lines of cybersecurity,” says Jonathan Zhang, WhoisXML API CEO.

Specifically, Cyberscape users now have access to data from the following products:

  • WHOIS History API
  • DNS Chronicle API
  • Reverse WHOIS API
  • Reverse IP API
  • Reverse MX API
  • Reverse NS API
  • Reverse DNS API
  • Subdomains Lookup API
  • Domains & Subdomains Discovery API
  • Email Verification API
  • IP Geolocation API
  • DNS Lookup API
  • Domain Availability API
  • Domain Reputation API
  • Threat Intelligence API
  • MAC Address API
  • SSL Certificates API

This integration further expands Cyberscape’s data coverage. In the words of Core4ce Vice President Kim Kok, “We want to provide all Cyberscape users the ability to integrate relevant data for their cyber threat investigations. WhoisXML API provides unique data that will be helpful to the cyber threat investigation community, allowing analysts to shorten the cycle of understanding and mitigating threats.”

Existing WhoisXML API users, on the other hand, now have the ability to incorporate WhoisXML API data points into their Cyberscape investigations.

WhoisXML API delivers various advantages through this integration, including:

  • Reliable and up-to-date intelligence: WhoisXML API’s long-term partnerships with major data aggregators enables the company to deliver high-quality, real-time DNS, IP, and domain data valuable for enriching investigations with accurate and useful intelligence.
  • Comprehensive data coverage: The integration provides Cyberscape users with vast repositories of DNS, IP, and domain information encompassing billions of DNS records, domains, subdomains, IP addresses, and other data points.
  • Flexible API queries: WhoisXML API’s API products allow analysts to pivot off several types of data points. This flexibility allows them to conduct investigations no matter their data starting point.

As a result, security analysts can more effectively monitor and analyze threats targeting the organization’s employees, brands, domains, IP addresses, and other assets that are part of its critical infrastructure with Cyberscape.

To learn more about the integration, please visit the Cyberscape website.

About Core4ce 

Core4ce is a trusted national security partner that operates with a data mindset. We harness the power of data to advance research and development initiatives, develop technology solutions, and protect national interests.  

Through collaboration across four disciplines – cyber, analytics, engineering, and mission solutions – we work to ensure that the warfighters and intelligence officers protecting our nation have the best possible tools, data, and operational support. We build long-term relationships with our customers and pair them with top-tier experts who know what’s at stake and how to deliver results with precision and purpose.

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