WhoisXML API Now Supports Parent-Child API Keys | WhoisXML API

WhoisXML API Blog

WhoisXML API Now Supports Parent-Child API Keys

We’re excited to announce a new feature designed to enhance security and control within your organization while using WhoisXML API products—parent-child API keys. This feature allows account administrators to create and manage individual API keys for different members on their team.

The parent-child API key feature is available for enterprise users only. Please contact us to check your eligibility or if you are an enterprise user and want to turn this feature on.

How Can This Feature Help You?

Being able to set up API keys for team members can benefit organizations by providing the following:

  • Centralized control: The parent-child API key feature will enable administrators to gain centralized control over API usage for better access management. Administrators can also disable and delete child accounts when necessary.
  • Hardened security: Child accounts have restricted permissions compared with parent accounts, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive information or can make critical changes to subscriptions.

How to Create a Child User Account

Once the feature is enabled for an account, follow these steps to create a child user account.

  • Log in to your account and go to the Team members tab.
  • Click Add team member. The administrator will be asked to enter the team member’s email address. Note that the email address must not be associated with any existing WhoisXML API account.
How to Create a Child User Account
  • The child account email address will receive an invitation and a link to confirm the account and accept the invitation.
Invite to the WhoisXML API product
  • After clicking the confirmation link, the child account user will be prompted to change the password.

What Child Accounts Can and Can’t Do

While master and child API keys have access to the same products, child accounts have certain limitations. For example, they can’t access the buttons to buy or edit the subscription.

However, child account users can access Usage stats and manage their newsletter subscriptions from the settings screen. The table below summarizes what the accounts can and can’t do.

Product access
Buy product subscriptions
Edit product subscriptions 
Billing information
Usage statistics
Newsletter subscription

Don’t hesitate to contact us to check eligibility for the parent-child API key feature or request access if you are an existing enterprise customer.

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