Cyber Security Investigation and Analysis

The New Crime of the Digital Age
The Internet is not just the hotspot of all things digital and technical. Largely due to its ubiquity and countless (and frequently anonymous) points of entry, the web has given rise to a new breed of outlaw – cybercriminals who prey on the wealth of valuable information available online.
Lloyd’s Insurance estimates businesses’ global losses from cybercrimes in 2015 were $400B, while some vendors believe losses totaled $500B. Only estimates are available, because manyπ thefts go unreported as security breaches can damage an organization’s reputation.
Unfortunately, there is no end in sight. Losses roughly quadrupled from 2013 to 2015 and Juniper Research recently forecasted that in 2019 global losses will reach a staggering 2.1 trillion dollars.
In addition to the enormous financial losses, these online crimes have also ruined reputations of companies and rendered victims vulnerable, as the perpetrators now have access to critical data that may be used againstthem.
With advances in digital technology, online criminals have grown even more aggressive and creative in their ways, despite efforts to strengthen and tighten online security. The rackdown on these online crimes remains a constant challenge for many law enforcement agencies and private IT security professionals...
This white paper highlights
- The New Crime of the Digital Age
- Types of Cybercrimes
- The Security Strategy
- Cracking cybercrimes
- The Whois API Solution
- Hosted Whois Webservice
- Whois Database Download
- Reverse Whois
- Taking the Next Steps