Exposing a Currently Active Domain Portfolio of Currently Active High-Profile Cybercriminals Internationally

We’ve decided to use Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration for the purpose of providing actionable and real-time intelligence on a currently active domain portfolio known to have been operated by known high-profile cybercriminals. We used our own high-profile cybercriminal data set for the purpose of empowering fellow researchers and vendors including organizations with the necessary actionable intelligence to help them stay on the top of their game including to assist vendors and organizations on their way to do a proper cyber-attack attribution in terms of tracking down and responding to these campaigns including to assist U.S Law Enforcement and the U.S Intelligence Community on its way to track down and prosecute the cybercriminals behind these campaigns.
In this article we’ll discuss in-depth and offer practical and actionable threat intelligence on a currently active domain portfolio belonging to high-profile cybercriminals which we obtained using Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration including to use our own data set of known email addresses known to belong to high-profile cybercriminals internationally.

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- sahras-gallery[.]com
- anarchie[.]biz
- anarchie[.]mobi
- dallasplace[.]biz
- cafeandgrillshack[.]com
- itech-us[.]com
- joshv06[.]com
- skidvapes[.]com
- satelliteallservice[.]net
- xxxda-developers[.]com
- approved-xxx[.]su
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- myfeshop[.]su
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- wwjnwl[.]com
- xtxgjxgs[.]com
- zkabcn[.]com
- yywl886[.]com
- center-club[.]ws
- zhugangfhc[.]com
- zjleiyang[.]com
- zpxinhong[.]com
- vqx1[.]com
- wgx1[.]com
- ehackerz[.]net
- soft-babez2[.]website
- soft-babez[.]cc
- tausendme[.]us
- rlpass[.]com
- streamporn[.]co
- soft-babez[.]com
- pornzddl[.]com
- theoneu[.]us
- qsertongx[.]cn
- sdlhjs[.]net
- aibinbing[.]cn
- gorod-grekhov[.]info
- zmxlife[.]com
- top-obnal[.]su
- chidaowei[.]com
- falshivie-dengi[.]at
- tengdagl[.]com
- nanpingjie[.]net
- sunyuphotos[.]com
- black-bank[.]biz
- dunianghao[.]com
- gorod-grekhov[.]org
- whjialan[.]com
- piratia[.]org
- whjgjhj[.]com
- black-obnal[.]su
- limbsoftware[.]com
- icaiasn[.]org
- theprofessionalseo[.]com
- zentrixplus[.]net
- stdtestkithome[.]com
- the-seo-service[.]com
- mriganka[.]com

We’ll continue monitoring the campaign including to look for new domain registrations and will post updates as soon as new developments take place.
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