Profiling a Portfolio of Cybercriminal Email Addresses By Using WhoisXML API's Historical WHOIS Search and Maltego - An Analysis

We’ve recently decided to map and research various domain registrations made by well-known and established online cybercriminals. We took several hundred emails known to belong to well-known cybercriminals and decided to cross-check them for related domain registrations by using Maltego and WhoisXML API’s vast and in-depth real-time and historical WHOIS records database.
In this article, we’ll thoroughly discuss the relevant findings for this study based on several hundred email addresses known to be owned and operated by known cybercriminals and checked them for related domain registrations. Then we will provide actionable intelligence on the online infrastructure of these newly discovered domains known to be managed and registered by known cybercriminals.

Sample screenshot of Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration offering an in-depth peek inside a well-known portfolio of cybercriminal email addresses in terms of related domain registrations

Sample screenshot of Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration offering an in-depth peek inside a well-known portfolio of cybercriminal email addresses in terms of related domain registrations

Sample screenshot of Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration offering an in-depth peek inside a well-known portfolio of cybercriminal email addresses in terms of related domain registrations

Sample screenshot of Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration offering an in-depth peek inside a well-known portfolio of cybercriminal email addresses in terms of related domain registrations

Sample screenshot of Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration offering an in-depth peek inside a well-known portfolio of cybercriminal email addresses in terms of related domain registrations

Sample screenshot of Maltego in combination with WhoisXML API’s integration offering an in-depth peek inside a well-known portfolio of cybercriminal email addresses in terms of related domain registrations
Currently and historically registered domains registered by well-known cybercriminals currently include:
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Sample malicious MD5s known to have phoned back to the domains registered by the cybercriminals:
We’ll continue monitoring these newly discovered domain registrations performed by the bad guys for fraudulent and malicious purposes by means of well-known and personal email addresses and post updates as soon as new developments occur.
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