
Lack of Visibility into Critical Data

WHOIS records are crucial for tracking domain ownership, allowing researchers and investigators to identify malicious and fraudulent actors and their website infrastructures. However, the redaction of WHOIS data and the difficulty of conducting effective reverse IP lookups posed a significant obstacle to cyber investigators, limiting users’ ability to attribute cybercrime and trace the activities of dangerous actors.

Critelli needed deeper access to historical WHOIS records and reverse WHOIS lookups within Maltego to provide students with hands-on cyber investigation training.


Access to Deep WHOIS History and Reliable IP-to-Domain Mapping 

Critelli utilized WhoisXML API’s WHOIS History transform on Maltego to retrieve historical WHOIS records. He also used other company capabilities such as Reverse IP API to identify domains hosted on a given IP address.

He found that the WhoisXML API transforms provided more accurate and complete information than others offering the same capabilities. Integrating WhoisXML API data points into his investigation workflow enabled him to develop techniques that can help students and law enforcement trainees trace digital footprints, uncover hidden cyber assets, and analyze threat actors’ activities.


Valuable and Replicable Investigation Techniques

More Complete Contextualization Dataset

Having access to domain and IP intelligence, along with other cyber threat intelligence sources, enhanced the project’s digital attribution capability. In particular, deep WHOIS history and extensive DNS data enabled more accurate linking of malicious activities to specific actors and infrastructures.

Improved Law Enforcement Training

The researcher gained broader visibility into the crucial data points required to conduct security investigations, enabling him to formulate and deepen cyber investigation workflows crucial for law enforcement training.