2022 Olympic Winter Games: Prime Ground for Phishing Lures?
Major sporting events, such as the Olympic Games, have always gained the attention of threat actors. A noteworthy example is the OlympicDestroyer malware1 that targeted the 2018 Winter Olympics.
In line with this, WhoisXML API dug up domains and subdomains containing text strings related to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Our analysis includes:
- 1,600+ domains and subdomains that contain Olympics-related text strings added since 1 January 2022
- 2,200+ IP resolutions of 1,400+ Olympics-related domains and subdomains
- 750+ unique IP addresses geolocated in 35 different countries
- 250+ domains connected to two of the malicious domains through nameservers, registrant country, and the text string "beijing"
Download the threat research materials containing the Olympics-related domains and other data points.
- [1] https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/02/olympic-destroyer.html