A DNS Deep Dive into Web Hosting Service Provider AWT | WhoisXML API

Threat Reports

A DNS Deep Dive into Web Hosting Service Provider AWT

WhoisXML API threat researcher Dancho Danchev recently uncovered a dubious web hosting service provider—Advanced Web Tech (AWT), along with pertinent information about its owner and 14 domains that he has dubbed as indicators of compromise (IoCs).

The WhoisXML API research team expanded Danchev’s investigation by looking more closely at the IoCs and his other findings and found other potentially connected artifacts, including:

  • 456 registrant-connected domains
  • Seven email-connected domains
  • 14 IP addresses, five of which turned out to be malicious
  • 1,055 IP-connected domains, two of which turned out to be malicious
  • 377 string-connected domains

Download a sample of the threat research materials now or contact sales to discuss your intelligence needs for threat detection and response.

  • [1] https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/why-bulletproof-hosting-key-caas/
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