Who Dominates the Internet? A Look at the Top Domain Registrars and Registrant Countries across TLDs | WhoisXML API

Who Dominates the Internet? A Look at the Top Domain Registrars and Registrant Countries across TLDs

With thousands of gTLDs and ccTLDs to choose from, individuals and organizations wanting to build their online presence have limitless options. Determining which entities and registrant countries are behind the domain registrations can provide relevant insights into registrant preferences. 

The WhoisXML API research team set out to analyze hundreds of millions of domains under selected gTLDs and ccTLDs, allowing us to identify:

  • The top 10 registrars and registrant countries of domains sporting the .com, .info, .net, .online, .org, .shop, .site, .store, .top, and .xyz gTLD extensions
  • The most popular registrars across all selected gTLDs
  • The top 10 registrars and registrant countries of domains under the .au, .fr, .it, .uk, and .us ccTLDs
  • A few ccTLDs with discrepancies between their number of domain registrations and respective countries’ populations

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