Join the Revolution in Cyber Threat Intelligence with Predictive Reputation Scoring | WhoisXML API

WhoisXML API Blog

Introducing the Next Revolution in Cyber Threat Intelligence!

Introducing the Next Revolution in Cyber Threat Intelligence!

From the onset of WhoisXmlApi, we have had the privilege of building a close association with the Cyber Security industry. With over a decade of experience in the analysis of domain Whois data and continuous interaction with our valued customers, we are really excited to venture into direct Cyber Threat Intelligence exploration. Presenting to you Predictive Reputation Scoring API, your trusted source for domain, IP address and name servers risk analysis.

At present most Reputation Scoring technologies track domains that are malicious and based on their activities assign a score to them. They, however, do not predict and help defend cyber crime, as domains are scored only after they have exhibited some illicit behavior.

This is where WhoisXmlApi’s Predictive Reputation Scoring is revolutionary, as it is prognostic in nature. This means, that when domains are registered based on a lot of important factors like domain Whois data accuracy, the presence of SLL certification etc. we score the domains. Also when a previously known registrant with malicious domains registers a new domain, automatically such domains are assigned a risk rate. We take into account a plethora of attributes before predicting the reputation score for each domain.

With a huge database of billions of domain Whois records, our system is well equipped to accurately and reliably assign scores to all the newly registered domains. Our goal is to help create a safe web by precisely predicting whether a domain is likely to be of malicious nature even before it has struck someone.

Predictive Domain Reputation Scoring API can protect organizations against dangerous domains and the harm caused by them. Also, it can help point forensic investigators toward those domains most likely to represent a risk. Besides this, with the growing scale of e-commerce websites, online merchants can assess the risk levels of domains to avoid mishaps and losses caused by fraud without taking the time and effort in manually checking each domain before associating with them!

With a simple scoring technique of 0 (least risk) to 10 (highest risk) domains, you can easily set your threshold and prevent online fraud.

We are soon to launch Predictive Reputation Scoring API. Do write to us at [email protected] if you would like to get access to it, as soon as it releases! For more details about the product please click on the link:

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