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WhoisXML API Blog

WhoisXML API Now Supports Parent-Child API Keys

We’re excited to announce a new feature designed to enhance security and control within your organization while using WhoisXML API products—parent-child API keys. This feature allows account administrators to create and manage individual API keys for different members on their team.

The parent-child API key feature is available for enterprise users only. Please contact us to check your eligibility or if you are an enterprise user and want to turn this feature on.

Our Full Premium DNS Database Peaks at 116 Billion Records in Q2 2024

We’re thrilled to announce a significant upgrade to one of our market-leading services, Premium DNS Database Download. We’re expanding the coverage of our full database files from 90 to 365 days, giving users access to as many as 116 billion historical DNS records as of Q2 2024.

WhoisXML API Earns a Spot on the Financial Times Top Fastest-Growing Companies 2024

We are proud to announce that WhoisXML API secured a position on the Financial Times esteemed list of The Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies 2024.

The annual list is compiled by Financial Times in collaboration with Statista. In 2024, it ranked the top 500 companies in the Americas with the strongest growth in revenue between 2019 and 2022. WhoisXML API secured a spot on this list for three years in a row, climbing from 494th in 2022 to 436th in 2023 and 359th in 2024.

WhoisXML API Historical WHOIS Intelligence Now Covers 20+ Billion Records

We are thrilled to announce that our historical WHOIS database now contains more than 20 billion WHOIS records. This continuous repository expansion plays an important role in strengthening and deepening cybersecurity investigations, digital risk protection, and attacker footprinting, among other use cases.

WhoisXML API has been actively upgrading its WHOIS history product coverage for more than 14 years now of WHOIS data collection, aggregation, and processing. In recent years, we have had several notable repository expansions. From 13.7+ historical WHOIS records in Q1 2022, our coverage rose to 15.6 billion in Q1 2023. This year, we saw an estimated 28% increase, with our historical WHOIS data now spanning more than 20 billion records.

Premium DNS Database Coverage Increased by 578%

We are thrilled to announce that the coverage of our premium DNS Database Download significantly improved over the past few months. The most recent measurement in 2024 showed that the database’s total number of DNS records increased by 578% compared to May 2023. 

More precisely, there was a 1,313% increase in A records and a 700% increase in the total number of AAAA records. Overall, DNS Database Download now contains more than 35.3 billion DNS records.

Newly Registered Domains (NRD) 2.0 vs. 1.0: What Has Changed?

WhoisXML API has significantly improved its Newly Registered Domains (NRD) service, leading to the introduction of NRD 2.0 and phasing out of NRD 1.0 with end of service (EOS) and end of life (EOL) scheduled respectively on 1 March 2024 and 31 December 2024.

Among other enhancements, new domain activities that are monitored now not only span “added” and “dropped” domains but also “updated” and “discovered” domains. Below is an overview of NRD 2.0’s technical benefits.

WhoisXML API Upgrades its Typosquatting Data Feed Offering

We are excited to announce that we recently upgraded our Typosquatting Data Feed. This innovative release provides improved typosquatting detection and extended coverage to further empower the identification of suspicious domain registrations.

The specific improvements and changes made to this version of Typosquatting Data Feed include:

WhoisXML API Launches Email Verification API V3

We are excited to introduce Email Verification API V3, the latest upgrade to our Email Verification product line. This innovative release is set to provide better stability and more accurate results with enhanced checks to empower substantially improved email validation processes.

This new version of Email Verification API will further enable a variety of use cases, including:

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