WhoisXML API Integration Is Now Available on Pangea | WhoisXML API

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WhoisXML API Integration Is Now Available on Pangea

WhoisXML API Integration Is Now Available on Pangea

WhoisXML API is thrilled to announce a new integration with Pangea, the first Security Platform-as-a-Service (SPaaS) providing API-based security services to developers. This collaboration will allow Pangea developers to access comprehensive, up-to-date, and accurate domain ownership information.

The integration of WhoisXML API’s domain data into the Pangea Domain Intel API enables developers to programmatically monitor and block newly registered domains (NRDs), identify potentially suspicious domain names based on their WHOIS record details, and protect domain portfolios against domain hijacking and domain spoofing.

WhoisXML API delivers various advantages and capabilities through this integration, including:

  • Extensive dataset: As a domain data aggregator for more than a decade now, WhoisXML API data coverage spans more than 565 million active domains across 7,596+ TLDs and ccTLDs.
  • Fresh and accurate domain data: A key element in WhoisXML API’s success is its partnership with domain registries, registrars, ISPs, and other Internet data providers that allow the company to obtain raw data directly from the source.
  • Highly compatible data format: WhoisXML API’s domain data is well-parsed and normalized so developers can easily and quickly correlate them with other Pangea data points.

Access to this data allows developers to make a number of runtime decisions in their apps based on variables such a domain age (blocking domains that are only 1 day old), or registrant location (blocking domains from a particular country), for example.

“Our partnership with WhoisXML API brings their unique dataset to strengthen the bench of threat intel providers on Pangea. WhoisXML API’s data is one of the most comprehensive and accurate sources of WHOIS data available,” said Oliver Friedrichs, Founder and CEO at Pangea. “Their products are a result of innovative machine learning (ML) and data science processes augmented by more than a decade of experience and successful partnerships with key Internet security players. ”

“Pangea’s innovative approach to turning the complex and fragmented world of security into a simple set of pay-as-you-go APIs for developers aligns with our vision of a safer and more transparent Internet. By integrating our domain data into Pangea’s Domain Intel API, we look forward to expanding our reach and providing developers with relevant WHOIS data points.” says Jonathan Zhang, WhoisXML API CEO.

To learn more about the integration, please visit the Pangea Domain Intel page.

About Pangea

Pangea enables developers to add security features to their apps, quickly and easily through API-based security services - creating a safe app experience and accelerating time-to-market.  By eliminating the burden of building, scaling and managing complex security code, developers can focus on their app logic while reducing its attack surface.

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