Carding, Still in Full Swing as DNS Intel Shows | WhoisXML API

Carding, Still in Full Swing as DNS Intel Shows

Carding has been around since the 1980s. But unlike in the past when only the most tech-savvy cybercriminals could launch attacks, even newbies today can. How? By learning all they can from carding forums and getting the tools they need from fellow carders.

Security researcher Dancho Danchev amassed 220 email addresses he believed were owned by carders as indicators of compromise (IoCs). We subjected them to an IoC expansion analysis and uncovered connected artifacts using our comprehensive DNS intelligence.

Our in-depth analysis uncovered:

  • 865 email-connected domains, 157 of which turned out to be malicious based on a bulk malware check
  • 361 IP addresses to which the email-connected domains resolved
  • 489 IP-connected domains, two of which turned out to be malicious based on a bulk malware check

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