Searching for Nevada Ransomware Digital Crumbs in the DNS | WhoisXML API

Searching for Nevada Ransomware Digital Crumbs in the DNS

According to Resecurity researchers, threat actors are currently spreading Nevada ransomware in the Dark Web via the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model.1 The malware underwent several upgrades in January 2023 alone and has been plaguing both Windows and Linux computer users today.

Using a list of indicators of compromise (IoCs) from AlienVault OTX2 as jump-off points, WhoisXML API searched for Nevada ransomware digital crumbs in the DNS.

Our deep dive into the threat revealed:

  • Eight additional IP addresses to which the domains identified as IoCs resolved
  • One unredacted registrant email address from the historical WHOIS record of one of the domain IoCs
  • 70+ additional domains that shared one of the IoCs’ registrant email address, one of which turned out to be malicious
  • 1,100+ additional domains that shared some of the IoCs’ IP hosts, one of which turned out to be a malware host
  • 2,000+ additional domains that contained the strings github., click., continue., repository., signup., and submit., three of which turned out to be malicious

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