Blog & How To Guides | WhoisXML API

WhoisXML API Blog

Importing the Disposable Email Domains Data Feed to AWS S3

The intention of this document is to show you the basis of how to download the disposable email domain data feed provided by WhoisXML API to an AWS S3 bucket by leveraging a serverless Lambda function. AWS Lambda functions act as a serverless compute service that allows you to write and execute code without provisioning or managing servers. AWS S3 is an object storage service for storing and retrieving files. This document will guide you through the process of configuring both AWS Lambda and an AWS S3 bucket.  

Getting JSON Lines from an API Call into a CSV File via UNIX Command Line

WhoisXML API offers, via API calls, a lot of information on domains or IP addresses that is very useful for a number of applications, including cybersecurity investigations, domain appraisal or system administration. Imagine that one is given a long list of domain names, and one is interested in each domain's details, e.g., WHOIS or website categories, etc. In each API call, a single domain name is sent, and its data is returned in JSON format. (Some of the APIs of WhoisXML API offer bulk lookups, too, but we will not deal with this possibility here.) To get an overview of the data, analysts often prefer to have everything in a single csv file; one line for each domain. This can be opened by popular office spreadsheets like Excel or LibreOffice Calc, or sent to other kinds of processing. 

Orchestrating Open Source Software and WHOIS Newly Registered Domain data feeds to fight the typosquatting plague

Typosquatting and related types of cyber threats, such as domain squatting, phishing campaigns, IDN homoglyph attacks, etc., cause significant harm and incur financial loss, so it is vital to be vigilant and fight against these malicious threats. 

Secure Your SSH Server with iptables and IP Netblocks API

Secure shell (ssh) is the typical tool for getting secure command-line access to Linux (and other Unix flavor) systems. Notably, most Linux-based servers are administered remotely via ssh access. Hence the security of the ssh service is of paramount importance, especially since it is often a very attractive part of the attack surface of an organization. 

The present blog provides a discussion on setting up efficient firewall rules for the ssh service, and extending the whitelist easily with the help of WhoisXML API's IP Netblocks API. The method also works for other services using inbound tcp connections. We discuss a typical iptables firewall on a Linux system. Basic expertise in Linux tools and firewalls is assumed. The recipe works as it is, or with minor modifications also on other systems. 

Demonstrating bulk reverse passive DNS lookup with PowerShell for IT security investigations: the case of the Phorphiex botnet

IP addresses are straightforward input data for IT security investigations: they are technically necessary for nodes of the Internet to communicate. Hence, if they are not deleted in some tricky way after cybercrime has been committed, or they are to be found in any of the logs before the commitment, they help a lot to unfold what has actually happened. 

IBM Xforce exchange is a forum reporting many security incidents that are relevant for those who are in charge of maintaining IT security. In the present blog we shall pick one of their reports and check how we can extend the given information with WhoisXML APIs using PowerShell which comes installed on Windows and can be used on Linux and Mac OS X, too. We assume lower intermediate skills of PowerShell programming to follow the description below. 

Using WhoisAPI services from PowerShell: an invitation

PowerShell is a powerful cross-platform interpreter for scripting that can be used for automating the tasks. On Windows systems in particular, it is the primary and native tool for system administration, data processing, and many more activities. The possibilities range from simple scripts to implement command-line solutions to large, object-oriented tasks. 

This blog is an invitation to use WhoisAPI's services in PowerShell. This consists of using RESTful APIs, illustrating the power of the actual services, especially in security and domainer applications. The presentation is aimed at beginners with a very basic background in programming, and no background in PowerShell is assumed. However, experts of PowerShell who have not used RESTful APIs yet, and experts with a UNIX background making their first steps with PowerShell may also find it useful. 

Get reverse NS (aka passive DNS) records for a list of IPs in Python

Passive DNS introduced by Florian Weimer in 2005 is now a central resource in IP security investigations, security of the operation of the domain name system (DNS), and many more. A Passive DNS database contains observed events whenever an IP resolves to a domain name in a DNS communication. Hence, it is a database independent from the current state as well as the physical infrastructure of the DNS itself. In addition, it contains time information: the date and time when such a resolution was first and last observed; this cannot be found out from the DNS. 

One of the easiest ways to obtain such data is by using WhoisXML API's services. In the present blog, we focus on the reverse lookup: using an IPv4 address we want to reveal the domain names that these IPs belonged to on certain dates. 

Verify the abuse email address of a domain in Python

In what follows, we’ll develop a small Python program based on WhoisXML API's email verification package, python-email-verifier that returns the valid and working abuse e-mail of an Internet domain if it exists. 

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