Important Product Announcement—NRD 1.0 End of Life (EOL) and Migration to NRD 2.0 | WhoisXML API

Important Product Announcement—NRD 1.0 End of Life (EOL) and Migration to NRD 2.0

Within the next months, we will stop supporting Newly Registered Domain (NRD) 1.0 and steadily continue user migration to NRD 2.0, an upgraded version with more comprehensive data coverage and event monitoring than ever before.

To facilitate this transition, we divided the process into two parts. The end of support for NRD 1.0 is scheduled for 1 March 2024. That means our development team will stop providing fixes and technical support for this version by that date. By 31 December 2024, we will entirely discontinue NRD 1.0 and will thus no longer provide any related service files or updates.

To avoid access disruption to new domain data, we encourage all NRD 1.0 users to contact their account managers as soon as possible to get started with the transition to NRD 2.0. We are committed to ensuring a seamless transition for everyone.

About NRD 2.0

With NRD 2.0, users can further support various security and business processes with a variety of additional features and benefits, such as:

  • More comprehensive data coverage for hundreds of thousands of domains sporting gTLD and ccTLD extensions
  • More domain events covered, such as new domains updated and discovered in addition to new domains registered and expired
  • Improved reliability since NRD 2.0 obtains information from multiple sources to ensure redundancy and accuracy
  • A simplified data downloading process, with single daily files covering raw data for all TLDs and domain events
  • A streaming capability via Domain Registration Streaming, enabling users to receive domain data in near real time

If you are an NRD 1.0 user, please get in touch with your account manager or contact us to avoid service disruption.

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