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WhoisXML API Blog

What are the benefits of web filtering for businesses?

What are the benefits of web filtering for businesses?

Content filtering is the practice of restricting access to a broad category of content or specific websites based on their purpose. There are many reasons why companies use content filtering - from boosting cybersecurity to dealing with workplace productivity.

One of the most important prerequisites to efficient content filtering is being able to properly classify domains and websites that are malicious or inappropriate. This is not an easy task, so you have to be rigorous when deciding which tool to use for content filtering.

In this article, we’ll talk about all the benefits of content filtering and the multifaceted tools you need for this.

Securing your remote work environment with domain name reputation lookups and more

Securing your remote work environment with domain name reputation lookups and more

The coronavirus infection is having a temporary but dramatic effect on the life of many people all around the world. Working from home has been gaining popularity anyway, especially in the IT sector. In spite of that, there are still many companies which insist on traditional offices and working hours. There can be a rationale behind that – for instance, confidential business is better done under more verified circumstances. However, many companies just insist on the conventional approach for lack of experience and trust.

Looking Up AFRINIC IP Addresses and Ownership Information with IP Netblocks WHOIS Database

Looking Up AFRINIC IP Addresses and Ownership Information with IP Netblocks WHOIS Database

Searching IP address data to find more clues for cybercrime investigations has become common practice. And for those who are dealing with cybercriminal suspects from Africa, getting real-time and comprehensive IP address ownership information is possible with an IP Neblocks WHOIS Database that contains information on AFRINIC IP addresses.

With these insights, users will be able, for example, to investigate the so-called “Nigerian scams,” which the region has become notorious for. You may be wondering what these scams are, so let us tell you all about them and how our IP Netblocks services can help.

Key Features Your Email Validator or Verifier API Should Have

Key Features Your Email Validator or Verifier API Should Have

Email remains the most preferred platform for business communication. In marketing, the most efficient way to reach a company’s target audience regardless of their age is through email. The current email open rate stands at 22.86% compared to social media’s engagement reach of 3.71% only.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a lot of today’s cybersecurity threats still arrive on networks via emails. In fact, 90% of threats use email as an attack vector. Malware-carrying messages that use effective social engineering ploys still manage to trick unsuspecting users into downloading malicious attachments or clicking embedded harmful links.

Web Content Personalization through IP Geolocation API

Web Content Personalization through IP Geolocation API

Ranking higher in search engines is the ultimate goal of website owners and developers. Although ranking algorithms are quite complex, we know that user experience (UX) also plays a significant role in them. Google and other search engines mainly want users to be happy or at the very least, satisfied, which not only entails giving them what they are searching for but also ensuring they have a positive experience.

UX as a ranking factor was confirmed in 2017 when low-quality websites that were laden with ads dipped in search ranking. Web pages that don’t give users what they need despite high rankings in the past may see a decline if their content quality drops.

7 Ways Domainers Can Benefit from Bulk Domain Checking

7 Ways Domainers Can Benefit from Bulk Domain Checking

The Internet real estate market is growing at an unprecedented rate and so is the demand for premium domains. That’s a good thing for domainers though, which also means there is a need to be creative and efficient in securing the most sought after domains to invest in. There are different tools that can help with this purpose, but a Bulk WHOIS API, in particular, can turn out invaluable to streamline domain bulk searches.

Why Should Domainers Use Bulk WHOIS API?

Solutions like Bulk WHOIS API provide domainers with vital domain ownership details in the least amount of time. With it, they can quickly obtain several domains’ registration and expiration dates, owner details, and other relevant information at once.

How Can a Domain Reputation Lookup Tool Improve an Organization’s Security Posture?

How Can a Domain Reputation Lookup Tool Improve an Organization’s Security Posture?

Many organizations only consider domain reputation in the context of email services and deliverability. They believe that scores only have to do with whether or not sites are seen as reputable email senders. However, that is not always the case. Domain reputation covers far more than that.

A good domain reputation score can be a stamp of confidence when it comes to website security. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to regularly carry out domain reputation lookups with a tool like Domain Reputation API or Domain Reputation Lookup to assess both their own websites and those of external stakeholders to improve their security posture. Let’s take a closer look at why it matters.

How to Preserve Your Brand Value by Checking the DNS History of Your Domains

How to Preserve Your Brand Value by Checking the DNS History of Your Domains

Brand trust is the hard currency of any business. In fact, customers cite brand trust as the top reason why they would buy from a retailer, according to a 2018 consumer insights survey. Employees are also most productive when they work for a brand they trust. What’s more, in a climate of trust, companies can forge new partnerships and achieve milestones.

Unfortunately, most organizations overlook a critical element when building trust — brand protection. Despite the heavy emphasis on marketing strategies, it appears that most companies remain unprepared for attacks on their brand. Intellectual property violations and fraud, for instance, can gravely hurt a company’s brand image, reputation, and value. One tool that can help in this area is a DNS database.

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