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How to Search for a Domain Name: 6 Domain Purchasing Best Practices

How to Search for a Domain Name: 6 Domain Purchasing Best Practices

Not everyone is truly aware of the ramifications of buying a domain. There are many factors to consider in order to make a good purchase and later avoid undesirable connections to, say, malicious individuals and their networks. So, how could a domain name be dangerous, after all? Those in the cybersecurity industry know that cyber attackers can weaponize a domain name for use against organizations and networks.

This article aims to shed light on why domain buyers, such as those without cybersecurity or marketing know-how, should conduct some research on domains of interest with the help of tools such as WHOIS LookupDomain Availability API or Domain Research Suite.

Reverse NS Lookup: Security Against DNS-Based Attacks

Reverse NS Lookup: Security Against DNS-Based Attacks

Given today’s threat landscape, known threats or those that get publicized are quite hard to protect against. However, risks that come from unknown sources are even harder to detect and block. Domain Name System (DNS)-based attacks fall into the second category for a variety of reasons, the topmost of which is that once domains are up and running, their owners put their security in the background.

There are ways to avoid becoming the next victim of a DNS-based attack, though. One of them is using a reliable reverse name server (NS) solution such as Reverse NS Lookup. But before we delve into further details, let us first discern why attackers take advantage of inherent DNS weaknesses to get to their targets.

How to Use a DNS Archive to Improve Website Traffic, Reputation, and Performance

How to Use a DNS Archive to Improve Website Traffic, Reputation, and Performance

Infosec professionals are invariably responsible for guaranteeing that their organizations’ websites remain accessible at all times. And so, they should be aware of the consequences of a single website outage. Network downtimes can cost most enterprises between $101,000 and $5,000,000 an hour.

The problem with outages, however, is that they mostly go undetected before they inflict noticeable damage. Customers don’t usually report website issues such as page time-outs unless a purchase was involved. As such, the discovery of these glitches often comes too late since your search engine rankings or conversion rates have already dropped significantly. Worse still, malicious actors may have even taken over your site infrastructure.

The footprint of coronavirus disease in domain name registrations

The footprint of coronavirus disease in domain name registrations

Cybercriminals use all possibilities which can serve their evil aims. They follow the headlines and react quickly – and they do not have ethical considerations. Even the drama of the coronavirus terrorizing the entire world and causing the deaths of thousands of people is seen as a good ’business’ opportunity to spread out some malware.

IBM X-force recently reported that the coronavirus went cyber via the Emotet trojan. Rather disgustingly, the miscreants send e-mails to people on behalf of respected health organizations, containing attachments claiming to inform about infection prevention measures. As the victim opens the attachment, it silently installs the trojan on the computer.

How to Find an IP Block Owner with IP Netblocks WHOIS Database

How to Find an IP Block Owner with IP Netblocks WHOIS Database

An IP netblock can be a critical piece of information for the companies that engage in online activities. Whether it’s for competitor research or to prevent IP address hijacking, IP netblock data allows technology professionals to deduce who owns a group of IP addresses to pursue their objectives and take relevant action from there.

That said, the ability to quickly derive this information could sometimes spell the difference between success and a missed opportunity, or mitigating or not a cybersecurity threat before it can affect one’s systems and networks.

Knowing a Domain’s Ownership History Can Help You Avoid Getting a Blacklisted Domain

Knowing a Domain’s Ownership History Can Help You Avoid Getting a Blacklisted Domain

When starting an online business or marketing campaign to reach out to more people, one of the most critical tasks is deciding on what domain name to use. You can’t just choose one on a whim — you need to put a lot of thought and research into it as your domain will carry your brand. Your research needs to include the domain name’s ownership history, among other things.

In short, a domain name can make or break an organization. Experts have pointed out the main characteristics of a good domain name, which include:

What is email verification and why is it important?

What is email verification and why is it important?

Email verification is the process of confirming that the email address is valid and deliverable. This is important for plenty of business activities: email marketing, cold outreach and professional correspondence. If you want to achieve your business goals, you have to make sure your messages are reaching their recipients.

There are dozens of ways to check whether the email addresses on your list are valid. The simplicity of these methods and degrees of their reliability vary greatly.

We will explain each of them in greater detail and yes - we will show you the simplest, most reliable solution for email verification. Before that, we’ll discuss the basics of good email practices, both in business correspondence and email marketing.

How to Optimize E-Commerce Personalization Strategies with a GeoIP API

How to Optimize E-Commerce Personalization Strategies with a GeoIP API

With so much hype, it’s no wonder that personalization is getting harder to ignore for e-commerce businesses. Consider these statistics:

  • By 2020, smart personalization engines will facilitate a 15% profit increase among online businesses.
  • 48% of U.S. consumers prefer to buy products from brands that “always” personalize their shopping experiences.
  • 83% of marketers who hit their revenue goals had personalization budgets.
  • 74% of consumers respond negatively to irrelevant content.

Smart marketers know that the shotgun approach is dead. Personalization is the new black, and they need to get on board if they want a conversion lift.

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