Blog & How To Guides | WhoisXML API

WhoisXML API Blog

How to Check & Improve the Reputation of Your Domain

It has never been easier to build a website and online business. You can create a site from scratch and start promoting and selling your product in a matter of hours. Amazing as this is, such convenience also has a dark side. Cyber-criminals can do that just as easily. They can infect your website with malware or mimic its appearance to lure your unsuspecting customers. Running a website became a technically challenging matter: web server software, content management systems and other digital tools all have their vulnerabilities. There are malicious requests impinging at every website in every minute looking for the possibility of taking control over it. One successful attack could destroy your business completely.

How to Look Up an ARIN IP Address with IP Netblocks WHOIS Database

How to Look Up an ARIN IP Address with IP Netblocks WHOIS Database

Why does it matter who’s behind an IP address? Knowing the identity of IP addresses’ owners, whether they are individuals or organizations, helps users determine if they can be trusted or are potential scammers out to carry fraud.

However, that information is not always readily available, and nor is it publicly accessible due to a variety of reasons. So, how can users obtain such data? One resource that may help is an IP Netblocks WHOIS Database. In a nutshell, it lets users know what IP netblock or range an IP address belongs to and who owns it.

How to Trace a Privately Registered Domain’s Owner By Using a WHOIS History Lookup Tool

How to Trace a Privately Registered Domain’s Owner By Using a WHOIS History Lookup Tool

With a myriad of free readily tools available online, it’s not so difficult to find out if someone else already owns a domain you’re eyeing or if that domain is available for purchase or registration. But that’s where most tools stop. Sometimes, more details such as a domain’s ownership history, including current and past registrants’ names and contact details, are hidden since most domain owners opt for privacy protection.

6 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Check Email Address Owners and Other Email Security Tips

6 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Check Email Address Owners and Other Email Security Tips

An email address is, perhaps, one of the most overlooked network-accessible resources. Many highly publicized attacks are attributed to a phishing email link that an unsuspecting employee regrettably clicked on. Also, business email compromise (BEC) accounted for 50% of total losses among organizations or $1.2 billion in 2018. Yet despite all the constant warnings and devastating examples, these attacks keep on happening. Why is this so?

The occurrence could be bewildering indeed for cybersecurity professionals who deploy the most advanced endpoint protection and intrusion detection systems (IDSs) there is. Unfortunately, all efforts to ward off attackers can prove irrelevant unless you educate employees on good email hygiene or implement the right email security policies.

Building an Effective Omnichannel Retail Strategy with GeoIP Database Lookup

Building an Effective Omnichannel Retail Strategy with GeoIP Database Lookup

Most retailers nowadays harness the power of the Internet to reach a broad range of consumers. But it doesn’t mean e-commerce has made physical facilities redundant. In fact, many shoppers like to use both channels, sometimes even nearly real time to complete a purchase.

For instance, some might “window shop” online to quickly evaluate alternatives and availabilities but then buy in-store so they can make sure a chosen product fits their needs. Or, on the contrary, they might check out physical items first but end up ordering online out of convenience.

How to Retrieve Domain WHOIS History Data After Redaction

How to Retrieve Domain WHOIS History Data After Redaction

WHOIS information is indispensable for any cybersecurity researcher. It is an essential resource for tracking down registration owners for a variety of reasons that range from settling trademark and cybersquatting disputes to configuring websites. With WHOIS records, a security analyst or website administrator can quickly get in touch with a registrant owner to resolve or file a dispute, transfer a domain with ease, or set up a valid Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate.

Leveraging Cyber Threat Intelligence: Must-Dos for Companies To Prevent Phishing and Other Attacks

Leveraging Cyber Threat Intelligence: Must-Dos for Companies To Prevent Phishing and Other Attacks

While phishing is considered one of the oldest threats in any cyber attacker’s arsenal, it still manages to work. The targeted organization or individual, social engineering bait, and the manner in which information gets stolen or malware is delivered may change. Still, the motivation often remains: to take someone’s details or even identity.

In many phishing scams, cybercriminals opt to create a fake company pretending to offer services that may be hard for users to resist. Such is the case of two confirmed phishing domains we analyze throughout this piece—technoarubacloud[.]com and teichdata[.]at. Any visitor lured to avail themselves of these two fake suppliers’ offerings is likely to be tricked into handing over personally identifiable information (PII) to the criminals behind the bogus sites.

How to Build Attacker Profiles By Using Domain Registration History Records

How to Build Attacker Profiles By Using Domain Registration History Records

Consider this scenario: You just got wind that a prolific cybercriminal has recently been spotted. You want to avoid joining his/her list of victims, of course. The question is how you go about it. Building attacker profiles, notably with WHOIS, might help.

Of course, that has become harder now that much stricter privacy protection laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are in effect. Typical WHOIS searches for a list of sites to avoid may no longer work since many domain owners, especially in the European Union (EU), can opt to redact their personal information from registration records.

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