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WhoisXML API Blog

Phishing Website Investigation with Whois XML API and Threat Intelligence Platform Toolsets

Arguably, the most ironic phishing incident to hit American corporations occurred shortly after the infamous Equifax data breach. In September 2017, hackers broke into the networks of the credit reporting bureau Equifax and stole the private details of about 60% of the population of the United States; that is, every American of working age. They made off with the names, addresses, drivers' license numbers, and social security numbers of 143 million consumers.

Addressing Threat Correlation Challenges with Website Contacts API and Other Domain Research Tools

Addressing Threat Correlation Challenges with Website Contacts API and Other Domain Research Tools

A threat defense system that runs separately from operation systems and applications is comparable to a bank with security guards who do not possess any firearms, metal detectors, or radio equipment. Anyone can get assess in that this establishment's security is fragile, and there's a good chance that robbers can get whatever they want. Sure, the guards can try to protect the bank with hand-to-hand combat, but that's no match for the robbers' guns.

DNS-Based Attacks and How DNS Record Lookup Tools Can Prevent Them

DNS-Based Attacks and How DNS Record Lookup Tools Can Prevent Them

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a fundamental cog in a company’s network. It needs to function seamlessly for an entire network to run like a well-oiled machine; otherwise, it can bring your online portals to a screeching halt.

The problem is that not all organizations are aware how much of their digital ecosystem relies on a properly configured DNS environment. Most, especially small businesses, are guilty of not monitoring their DNS settings, paving the way for enterprising hackers to exploit undetected vulnerabilities. The DNS attacks featured in this post show the damage that poor DNS hygiene could inflict on businesses. Fortunately, solutions like DNS Lookup API can help.

How Can MX Record Lookups Protect Your Organization Against Compromise?

How Can MX Record Lookups Protect Your Organization Against Compromise?

A mail exchange (MX) record is a Domain Name System (DNS) record that is required to deliver an email to an address. It identifies the mail server in charge of receiving incoming emails for a particular domain and where outgoing mails should be addressed from. In short, it is in charge of email flow. So, if your MX records are not routed to the appropriate location, you will not able to receive or send emails.

One way of ensuring the integrity and reliability of your MX servers is by using Reverse MX API. With it, you can identify all of the domains connected to each of your mail servers. That helps ensure that domain records are updated and servers are correctly configured.

3 Cyber Threats MSSPs Can Help Their Clients with Using Reverse NS API

3 Cyber Threats MSSPs Can Help Their Clients with Using Reverse NS API

Did you know that the cybercrime economy may currently well be worth US $1.5 trillion? According to figures from an independent study, that’s how much professional crime networks worldwide earned in 2018.

That amount is just a little over 1% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). It is also comparable to the GDP of a country like Russia.

How to Improve Multifactor Authentication with Reverse IP Address Lookup

How to Improve Multifactor Authentication with Reverse IP Address Lookup

Nowadays, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important for both online users and website owners. Cybercrime has extended an arm that reaches almost everyone who accesses the Internet, and people need to adopt full security measures in place to mitigate threats.

While threat identification is essential, prevention has its own perks, and one effective way to prevent threats from entering a network and keeping users safe is by improving multifactor authentication (MFA), notably with Reverse IP API.

How Conducting a Domain Reputation Check Can Improve Incident Response

How Conducting a Domain Reputation Check Can Improve Incident Response

Indicators of compromise (IoCs) are crucial elements of the incident response process. From identification and containment up to eradication and recovery, security teams need to be on the lookout for IoCs to detect the presence of a threat in real time. When so, responses to cybersecurity incidents are quicker, more effective, and less costly.

Enhancing Digital Rights Management By Using IP Geolocation Database and Feeds

As online streaming service providers strive to meet the demand for more digital content in the form of movies, music, books, and software, they also face a significant challenge to remain profitable — copyright protection.

In 2017, Statista found a total of 300 billion visits to media piracy sites, approximately 36% of which was for TV series and the rest for film and music. Pirates duplicate copyrighted content and distribute it at lower prices or even for free. In most cases, the pirates earn from pay-per-view streaming and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

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