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How Brand and Domain Name Monitoring Can Counteract Cybersquatting

How Brand and Domain Name Monitoring Can Counteract Cybersquatting

The Web is a huge and unregulated space made up of countless online content locations. There are more than 300 million active websites today with an additional 25 million registered each year. It’s only inevitable then that there will be intense competition between registrants and, therefore, demand for domain names, especially for those that use the most recognizable words and identifiers.


In fact, conflicts between trademark holders and domain registrants looking to own the rights to specific domains are common. Numerous disputed domains nowadays are registered either by accident or with the intent to gain money from those who are interested in them. This tactic is known as “cybersquatting,” which can have severe consequences for your brand if you don’t pay attention to it.

Brand Monitor and Brand Alert API: How to Combat Brand Misrepresentation in the Retail Fashion Industry

Brand Monitor and Brand Alert API: How to Combat Brand Misrepresentation in the Retail Fashion Industry

Misrepresentations together with negative brand equity are probably the biggest nightmares of today’s most prominent companies — and more often than not, that’s connected to cybersecurity and data breaches.

For example, the latest stats show that one in every 99 emails you get each day has ties to a phishing attack, the majority of which come laced with malware specially crafted to harvest victims’ financial credentials or use popular brands as social engineering bait.

Malware Detection and Prevention Using Website Categorization API!

Malware Detection and Prevention Using Website Categorization API!

Cybercrime has taken on the mantle of being the biggest security threat to global information systems of the 21st century. With an increasing number of utilities, services and businesses connecting themselves to online platforms, the number of systems that are potentially under threat of becoming cybercrime targets is increasing by the day. Recent spates of cyber attacks such as the WannaCry and NotPetya have shown how easily important business processes and public utility systems can fall prey to such nefarious acts of digital felony. According to the latest estimates by, ransomware alone is slated to cost businesses to the tune of $11.5 billion in 2019. Furthermore, the costs of damage caused by cybercrime cannot be measured in terms of money alone. Cybercrime has far reaching consequences that go beyond mere monetary considerations. The loss of private data, breach of personal and privileged information as well as leak of sensitive records may snowball into global security risks. As a result, it becomes a matter of prime importance that such heinous attacks are nipped in the bud.

The Best Ways to Get a User's Location in JavaScript

The Best Ways to Get a User's Location in JavaScript

Geolocating your website's users can be useful for a wide variety of purposes. For example, you may want to show a different version of your website to users in different localities. You may be trying to better understand where your users live so you can tailor your website to better suit their needs. Or, maybe your website can only function in certain areas.

Whatever your reasons, geolocating your users and knowing where they're coming from can be useful.

There are a few different ways to geolocate users by using JavaScript. Each method has its own tradeoffs. I'm going to cover all the different ways in which you can geolocate users by using JavaScript below.

Enriching Domain Protection Through Historic and Reverse WHOIS Data Monitoring

Enriching Domain Protection Through Historic and Reverse WHOIS Data Monitoring

The foundation of a domain’s existence on the Web is its credibility. It must be secured at all costs because it’s constantly under threat from malicious elements that are out there staging. As such, domain protection is an indispensable component of overall cybersecurity efforts because not just business viability but a domain’s very own survival is at stake.

Enable Active Phishing Protection With Domain Reputation API.

Enable Active Phishing Protection With Domain Reputation API.

In the digital world, just as in the real one, reputation matters. While in real-world dealings and transactions there exist multiple ways in which we can gauge the reputation of a person or organization with which we have to engage in any capacity, the complexity and sheer volume of the web makes this task exponentially difficult in the virtual world.

The modern economic and technological landscape has silently nudged us into a world of online social interactions, financial transactions as well as business dealings. This has resulted in a large amount of data being stored in and exchanged across digital media on a daily basis.

Finding Hacked Websites!

Finding Hacked Websites!

If you are a website administrator, web-business owner or even a compulsive blogger, waking up one fine day to realize that your website has been hacked can become your worst nightmare. The internet is becoming more and more complex by the minute; in this ever-changing environment the task of ensuring that your website is free from malware and viruses, as well as protecting your domain from any unauthorized intrusion, is taking on an increasingly complicated nature that requires constant vigilance and professional care.

But what are the simplest signs that your website has been hacked? Let’s find out.

Registrar Solutions: Streamlining Complex Domain Name Processes

Registrar Solutions: Streamlining Complex Domain Name Processes

It can be hard to be in the domain registration business these days. Yes, there are millions of new websites launched every year under thousands of TLDs, leading to a highly dynamic landscape with lots of opportunities for registrars. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

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